Leoch XVP Series Batteries
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Leoch XP Series Batteries
Leoch XVP batteries are designed for UPS power cabinets for Critical Data Centers (High Rate UPS), Banks & Financial Centers, Hospital & Testing Laboratories, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Power Supply, & High Power Backup Supply.

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Leoch XVP Series, Top Terminal Continuous Punched AGMÂ - High Rate UPS Applications:
Leoch XVP batteries are designed for UPS power cabinets for Critical Data Centers (High Rate UPS), Banks & Financial Centers, Hospital & Testing Laboratories, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Power Supply, & High Power Backup Supply.
Leoch XP Series  General Features:
92.8 to 681 WPC for 15 min to 1.67 VPC
Virgin pure lead plates w/copper alloy terminal inserts (Low resistance)
Standard solid, Flame Retardant ABS jar and cover to UL94V-0 & 28% LOI
Strong gravity casted grids for long life
Automated COS and TTP welding for low resistance
Designed for Critical UPS Applications - 7-10 year design life
100% initial capacity, fast recharge acceptance
UL recognized, IEC certified and IATA approved for air freight

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- Leoch XVP12-350 Batteries
- Leoch XVP12-360 Batteries
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- Leoch XVP12-450 Batteries

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