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September 3, 2021 | Rob Hirschberg

How Over-Discharging Your Forklift Battery Increases Downtime

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It is very easy to over-discharge and permanently damage a forklift battery if you're not paying attention and following proper procedures. Over-discharging can void your battery's warranty, and worse - can cause potential downtime for your operation. See below for a visual on how forklift drivers typically over-discharge their batteries. We've also concluded this blog with quick tips on sustaining battery runtime.

1.Start with Full Battery

2.Low Battery Indicator Turns On

3.Continued Use at This Point Will Result in Over-Discharging

4.Over-Discharing Permanently Damages the Battery & Prevents a Full Recharge

5.Batteries That Cannot Fully Recharge Greatly Decrease Runtime

6.Changeovers & Operator Downtime Increase as a Result

Tips for Sustaining Battery Runtime

  1. Promptly change the battery when prompted by low battery indicator.

  2. Never disconnect and reconnect cables to extend runtime.

  3. Charge battery at the end of each shift when battery indicator is not full. 4. Ensure forklift and all accessories are turned off when not being used.

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